Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm fairly confident in myself that i could kick the shit out of this guy.

Super Doofus Kung Fu Demo On Webcam - Watch more Funny Videos

You think you're so bad


..Ok, now lets go back to the growls and blast beats.
Dying Fetus. Yup.


Welcome to the new Metal Monday.
Lets step on back from the growls and blast beats for one second and appreciate something a little more old school. This is track five off of Warp Riders, the new CD from the stoner metal/rock outfit, The Sword. It's a little different than the usual fare from the ThoughtVomit's metal crew but this song is motherfuckin' epic (especially the last 2 and half minutes). It's like if Eric Clapton wrote a song after taking a few bong rips and listening to the first couple Black Sabbath CD's.

This girl is 7. get it? ok 7

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I can't eat yogurt

I just can't. It hurts my stomach.

The Retiring of Ole Blue

Ok now this chair only has a history (some of which is probably still encrusted within it) with a few people, but what "good" history it is.

I bought the chair from the scratch and dent floor of Bob's Discount Furniture in West Springfield in the fall of 2004. The chair had a tough 6 year life, braving countless nuclear farts, piss, vomit, actual shit, and the occasional pump and dump (which i never did on my own chair btw) but through it's life it never disappointed. I recently brought ole blue down to do the big recycling center in the sky and laid her to rest.

You're my boy blue.

Liz Phair is a Whore!

Thanks to Cole for this one... what a neat song

Fresh Tee Tuesday - Get Rude Clothing

Get Rude Clothing - "My EX" tee

Monday, August 23, 2010


what the hell is with the big carhartt jacket? African piece what?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

This guy if FUCKED

Between Richmond and Williston on 89. Crane charge to pick boat up and place on a different trailer. Boat transported to Shipyard to be unloaded. Broken mast, totaled trailer, boat damages (of course) and Rented van to pull boat FUCKED. Let alone any other fees across the way. Here's the kicker - NO INSURANCE. Whoa

Friday, August 13, 2010

This kid spits like a MOTHER FUCKER!

Voice of an Angel

Rob, please have this guy sing at your wedding. please.

I wanna know the context behind this performance, where is he? who's watching this? and what's their reaction. This guy obviously doesn't care, he's just going for it. At 0:38 I think he felt his performance was lacking so he needed to kick it up a notch.

He must have known it was Fuck it Friday.