Monday, September 27, 2010

METAL FRIDAY - The Acacia Strain


More like the art of badass...


thanks to zack for this find

They're out to kill us....ALL OF US!

Jimi Heselden, the multi-millionaire who bought the Segway company in December, died in a freak accident involving one of his own two-wheelers. The 62-year-old rode off a cliff and into a river while inspecting the grounds of his UK estate yesterday, reports the Daily Mail. The death of Heselden, one of the country's most generous philanthropists, is not believed to be suspicious.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Football Fridays


#1 Alabama at #10 Arkansas

#24 Oregon St. at #3 Boise St.


Sunday Night – New York Jets at Miami Dolphins

Monday Night – Green Bay Packers at Chicago Bears

Standings –

Carter – 4-3

Third Shift – 4-3

Pelski – 2-5
Camera Guy – 1-3

Friday, September 17, 2010

Football Friday's

There's still time for more to join. Call you Mom, tell her you love her, then tell her to do Football Friday's. This weeks picks -

#9 Iowa at #24 Arizona

Sunday Night - Giants at Colts
Monday Night - Sanits at 49ers

Leave picks below in comments section

Monday, September 13, 2010


No, it's not Mikael from Opeth but it sounds an awful lot like him.

Friday, September 10, 2010

FUCK IT FRIDAYS - Is it bad?

Is it bad that I actually laughed out loud at work when I watched this? I mean she couldn't have set herself up for a direct shot in face any better. Perfection.

Football Friday's

You smell that? It’s football season Mother Fucker.

Thought Vomit and Third Shift Clothing bring you Football Friday’s. Every Friday you pick the winner of 3 games, 1 College - the biggest College game of the week, and 2 NFL, the Sunday and Monday night game. Top two winners for the year WIN Third Shift t-shirts.

Make your own picks of these games in the comment section below. This weeks picks:

#12 Miami at #2 Ohio State

Sunday Night – Dallas Cowboys at Washington Redskins
Monday Night – Baltimore Ravens at New York Jets

- San Diego Chargers at Kansas City Chiefs

had to add this in....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fresh Tee Tuesday

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL? 2 days in counting.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I never really liked High On Fire until I heard their new album which is pretty fuckin' awesome. I like the "The Who"-style opening in the beginning of this one. Cool song.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Again with the grossness

I couldn't tell you guys why i'm in a creep out mood today but this really creeps me out. LOOK HOW MANY FUCKING KIDS ARE IN THE POOL. that's gross, really gross. Not to mention it's mostly little kids, now you know as well as i do all those little fuckers are peeing constantly. Not to mention all the other kids who are considering this their bath for the week/month. You couldn't pay me enough money to be in that pool, well actually...

-can you imagine getting a mouth full? just threw up in my mouth a little.

I don't understand.

Now if you are a female, why would you strive to become a freak of nature? I don't understand. This may sounds sexist but for males, i get it. Sorry ladies, its just gross and creepy.

What the hell is this thing?

ok the ocean just plain creeps me out, and this video solidifies that. watch the slow motion.