Monday, March 28, 2011

Why....Just why

This guy is out of mind. Like why? I don't understand. I understand eating contests like eating 1000 hot dogs in 2 minutes or eating 50 crickets in 20 secs, shit like that. But eating 4 books of matches, sucking butane, and an envelop. Ok buddy.

wait there's more

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fresh Tee Tuesday - Third Shift Clothing

"Duh, WINNING" tee by Third Shift. I figured I would throw my hat in the Sheen ring. #FASTBALL

I LOVE this kid

I love kids who stand up for themselves, good for you dude. This is what needs to happen throughout the america. I'm sick of watching all of these bullying stories on the news. Man up and do something about it, don't go cry to mommy, lift that fucker above your head and slam him into the ground. Guarantee 100% that kid was never bullied again.

You dun lost your face man

Boston Movie Trailer

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

OK here we go

Ok I'm catholic, I believe the Lord works in mysterious ways. I believe there are many holes in the histories of all religions. I do believe that religion is the root of all evil. Almost every war fought in human history was somehow connected to religion. But I digress, I could go on forever. But THIS BITCH..

First of all honey, your prayers did not make the Earth have an earthquake. get over it. Second of all, her attitude is exactly why we have so many global problems today. Extremists. "My" god says to love everyone and skip through meadows holding hands but wait....."My" god says to slit your throat because you're a non-believer. INFIDEL!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


sorry that my blogging has not been up to par...not that anyone really cares....but it makes me feel better