Monday, May 20, 2013

Under Construction

We're terribly sorry for lame beach scene here. The site is currently going through an update. It will be fixed asap!!!!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why would you?

...ever think this is a good idea? Like what part of you thought "the outcome is going to be so worth it."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

134-Pound Scrotum...wait WHAT THE FUCK

For five painful years, Wesley Warren Jr. watched his scrotum slowly swell into a 134-pound mass that hung to his ankles. It all started with a bad dream. "I quickly sat up on the side of the bed after bursting out of an incredible nightmare," said Warren, 48, recalling the mid-sleep maneuver that "slammed" his right testicle. "I felt the most enormous amount of pain that one could possible imagine." The pain quickly subsided, though, as if "a big rig was rolling off" his scrotum, Warren said. "I felt like I'd dodged a bullet." But the nightmare had just begun. By the following day, the sack had stretched to the size of a soccer ball. "I went to the ER and they treated it as though I had some kind of infection," Warren said, recalling a course of antibiotics that had no effect on the bulging mass. "I went to other doctors, and no one was able to figure out anything to for me. They'd refer me to another doctor or surgeon, but because I don't have insurance or the financial means to pay for these folks on demand, the appointment would be six weeks away or three months away." Without a diagnosis or any hope of a cure, Warren, who lives off of disability benefits in Las Vegas, turned to radio host Howard Stern for help, soliciting donations to the email address