Friday, February 27, 2009

OK The Poll is OUT!

Kid is "Burnin' Up"

Now I want to have a poll about this vid. The first point, is this "thing" a boy or a girl? Second point, how old is said boy or girl? So PLEASE comment away on the he/she/it thing.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our Plummeting Economy Explained...

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

Third Shift Kids Line

Here at Third Shift Clothing we tell kids to wrap it up and perform safe sex. But if you slip up, we got you covered! Now introducing the new Third Shift Kids Line hot off the press. They got it all - bibs, one-zees, little hoodies, how can you go wrong? Makes you want to make one - well maybe not. Other color logos are available via email through the site.

For those not ready for a lil ones, hit up the "parent" site - get it. I kill myself.

Thank You goes to Carter for this find.

alittle Grand Theft Auto for yall.


So ya'll need to check this show out on the Travel Channel, Man vs. Food. This keeps me glued to the tube and wanting to eat something, even if I'm full. This kid Adam Richman goes city to city finding the toughest food challenges. From 15 milkshakes in 30 mins in St. Louis to a 13 pound pizza in the ATL, this kids packs it all in. He doesn't win every time but the food looks crazy good, and wants you to try the challanges with him. Check it out, Travel Channel Wed nights 10pm. Stuff yo face!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I have this curse of waking up every morning with a song stuck in my head that I can't stand. It sucks. I usually have to purge it with music I like, or a song of equal or greater annoying value. Anyway, I decided to post a video of today's song since it's especially irritating and wanted to share the pain. *Complete with Portuguese subtitulos!*

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Best Typo I've Ever HAD

Trying to talk business with an associate in our San Francisco office regarding installing a Video Conference Unit...

[1:50:48 PM] Shannon says: now we're getting heat to get it done
[1:50:55 PM] Shannon says: or i am i should say
[1:50:57 PM] Chris Carter says: ive been getting head since we bought you guys
[1:51:00 PM] Chris Carter says: HEAT
[1:51:01 PM] Chris Carter says: hahah wow
[1:51:03 PM] Chris Carter says: that was a bad typo...
[1:51:08 PM] Shannon says: nice one.

Fresh Tee Tuesday - Last Rights

Here we go, the first installment of Fresh Tee Tuesday give us this jump off from Last Rights out of the M.I.YAYO. The company is fresh off the scene appearing at the Magic Show in Vegas last week, so you and the retailers are seeing it for the first time. Definitely check out their site and wait for the drop. Also check out this sweet intro vid from their blog.

Last Rights Inc from Last Rights Inc on Vimeo.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Introducing Fresh Tee Tuesday's

Here's the deal gang a new edition to the Thought Vomit - Fresh Tee Tuesday. Every Tuesday a new tee will posted from our journey's on the interweb the week before. This will give you a fresh look of what's out there and a way to get something better then the Pac American Sun Eagle shit everybody else is rockin'. Be on the look out.

Pittsburg Trip - a huge success

Very interesting trip to the Burg this past weekend. On one hand, we had unbelievable riding with enough powder to go around. The Burg had gotten a warm spell that also bought rain to the region but recent snow had dumped the fluff right back. The combination of a hard crust and about 15+ inches on top made it possible to go literally anywhere with the reduced chance of ripping off an A-arm.
Saturday: We explored some new areas around Pisgah Mountain, south

end of the Pittsburg. This area was littered with untouched powder and we just basically ran out of time. boo.
Sunday: It was time to revisit Magalloway Mt. And once again we were not disappointed. The trail up the bowl was alittle more technical this time, really had to pick the right line to actually make it to the base. I hiked up about 150 yards and had a awesome powder run to the bottom. Max went for broke and CONQUERED it. He made 3 attempts at it....getting higher every time until the inevitable happened....tree. The bitch of it is, the higher you climb, the more speed you carry coming back down. But all in all, nobody got hurt and no sleds were wrecked.
Then...on the way the home....Max's 4x4 decided it wasn't going to click in. Made for a grueling ride.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Contrary to popular belief....

Don't let Carter fool you people. He is an excellent skier. He's been perfecting his art of skiing for about 15 years now and has truely mastered it. This is a photo of him taken in the winter of '88 in the back of parking lot in Vergennes, VT. His facial expressions merely scratch the surface of his love for skiing. One day I hope he opens his heart to the children and tries to pass on his exceptional talent. You're an inspiration to us all Carter.

Carter contributes

Hi everyone, My names CARTER and I work for thoughtvomit.

Here's some facts about me

-I'm 6'2" tall
-I can't ski
-I play the guitar, and drums
-I have been friends with "pelski" since 2002 or 3.. don't remember
-My parents are alive and live in Massachusetts where I am originally from.
-im 24 years old
-I can drive a stick shift like you read about

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Interested in Photography?

Anyone like sick photography? I stumbled across David Lindsey Ward's website the other day and was blown away. check it. cheers.

Here comes the Pain Train

Going back to the burg...

ok this weekend I'm going to attempt ride this. Now the picture doesn't do it justice. at all. I wish i would have taken a photo with someone standing in the shot to show some scale. This thing is steep as shit. I plan on hiking towards the top until i get exhausted, then bam. Pictures will follow hopefully on monday. cheers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009