Monday, February 23, 2009

Pittsburg Trip - a huge success

Very interesting trip to the Burg this past weekend. On one hand, we had unbelievable riding with enough powder to go around. The Burg had gotten a warm spell that also bought rain to the region but recent snow had dumped the fluff right back. The combination of a hard crust and about 15+ inches on top made it possible to go literally anywhere with the reduced chance of ripping off an A-arm.
Saturday: We explored some new areas around Pisgah Mountain, south

end of the Pittsburg. This area was littered with untouched powder and we just basically ran out of time. boo.
Sunday: It was time to revisit Magalloway Mt. And once again we were not disappointed. The trail up the bowl was alittle more technical this time, really had to pick the right line to actually make it to the base. I hiked up about 150 yards and had a awesome powder run to the bottom. Max went for broke and CONQUERED it. He made 3 attempts at it....getting higher every time until the inevitable happened....tree. The bitch of it is, the higher you climb, the more speed you carry coming back down. But all in all, nobody got hurt and no sleds were wrecked.
Then...on the way the home....Max's 4x4 decided it wasn't going to click in. Made for a grueling ride.

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