Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Battle for Burlington AFTER PARTY

DO IT - STARTS @ 9PM. I say roll in around 10pm, unless you're going to WALE at UVM which is going to be crazy. Roll DT afterwards - So up or shut up.

An interesting viewpoint from an old white guy


Jack Cafferty says America's effort to prohibit illegal drugs doesn't work and should be rethought.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Here's something to think about:

How many police officers and sheriff's deputies are involved in investigating and solving crimes involving illegal drugs? And arresting and transporting and interrogating and jailing the suspects?
How many prosecutors and their staffs spend time prosecuting drug cases? How many defense lawyers spend their time defending drug suspects?
How many hours of courtroom time are devoted to drug trials? How many judges, bailiffs, courtroom security officers, stenographers, etc., spend their time on drug trials?
How many prison cells are filled with drug offenders? And how many corrections officers does it take to guard them? How much food do these convicts consume?
And when they get out, how many parole and probation officers does it take to supervise their release? And how many ex-offenders turn right around and do it again?
So how's this war on drugs going?

Someone described insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result each time. That's a perfect description of the war on drugs.
Don't Miss
The United States is the largest illegal drug market in the world. Americans want their weed, crack, cocaine, heroin, whatever. And they're willing to pay big money to get it.
The drug suppliers are only too happy to oblige. The Mexican drug cartels now have operations in 230 American cities. That's 230 American cities!
And we're not just talking about border towns, but places such as Anchorage, Alaska; Boston, Massachusetts; Atlanta, Georgia; and Billings, Montana. They're everywhere. And they don't just bring drugs, but violence and crime as well -- lots of it at no extra charge.
They have been able to infiltrate those 230 cities because we have not bothered to secure our borders. In addition to illegal aliens who come here to work and avail themselves of our social programs, we have criminals from Mexico bringing drugs in, taking money and guns back, and recruiting American kids into their criminal enterprises while they're here. iReport.com: Is it time to legalize pot?
What do you suppose the total price tag is for this failed war on drugs? One senior Harvard economist estimates we spend $44 billion a year fighting the war on drugs. He says if they were legal, governments would realize about $33 billion a year in tax revenue. Net swing of $77 billion. Could we use that money today for something else? You bet your ass we could. Plus the cartels would be out of business. Instantly. Goodbye crime and violence.
If drugs were legalized, we could empty out a lot of our prison cells. People will use this stuff whether it's legal or not. Just like they do booze. And you could make the argument that in some cases alcohol is just as dangerous as some drugs. I know.

Like I said ... something to think about. It's time.

The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Jack Cafferty.

Billy Mays Gopher Dub

Being lazy is easier then ever with the gopher!

The WTF Blanket

Check it out.

Somehow I KNEW this was coming...

Reality TV?! Believe or not???.......Believe it.......Billy Mays landed his first reality tv show...."Pitchmen"....check out the article to learn all about it.

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 3/31 - More Gore

Check out this addition to Fresh Tee Tuesday, even though this tee isn't very "fresh", it's still an awesome tee. Don't know if you'd want to wear it out to eat with the rents but nevertheless. sweet. check it out.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I hope you got a discount Pelski....

Meet Vince Shlomi. He's probably better known to you as the ShamWow Guy, the ubiquitous television pitchman who has been phenomenally successful peddling absorbent towels and food choppers. Shlomi, 44, was arrested last month on a felony battery charge following a violent confrontation with a prostitute in his South Beach hotel room.


As I Lay Dying is my choice for this weeks' Metal Monday. This live verison of the song "Through Struggle is FBA. Enjoy.

Random Picture of the Day.

HAHA, this picture makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. i found it to be hilarious.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Old Vid - but......WHAT THE FUCK

Do these fucking retards not understand that TREES GROW BACK......that they are a renewable resource? Don't they have something else better to waste their energy on.....wait look who i'm talking about.


IN FLAMES - Delight And Angers - HD

Throwback Friday

Some good ole memories from 47 Hyde. Paul......awesome show good job.

D III Football Play of the Year

A crazy play from Division III football that doesn't stop - a must watch.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

No TS Love in South Dakota

This is a map overlay from my Analytics for the Third Shift Clothing site. So you can see how the New England is holding it down, which makes sense, and the left coast is doing their thing. But you that one white state on the map? That is South Dakota, 0 views in the year that I have the Google app. Now I don't think I've stepped on any toes out there in the Mount Rushmore State, but the Third Shift site has been hit up from 75 countries in 6 continents.

So if anybody in Thought Vomit land knows someone out there in the Southern of the Dakota's, HAVE THEM HIT UP THE SITE. Otherwise I'm going to drive out there and do it myself.

Heees Baaaack!!!!

As my first order of business as a newly appointed publisher of Thought Vomit I bring you this Ginger....

You be the Judge....

Alright, self-explanatory.......who's your choice?.......poll in the upper left corner....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cool Factor

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 3/24/09 - Pennant Race

Is it Tuesday already? Here we have the Staples Courtside Tee by Pennant Race, a spin on the classic "I Heart NY" tees. I've been seeing a lot of these style tees out with the "We Run" a particular city tees. Pennant Race, out of Oregon, takes it to the next level with the Jack Nicholson cartoon head. They also have a Spike Lee version in Knick colors. Diggin their tees real heavy, and at least coppin' this one next week when I got some coin. Check them out.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Your Neighbors are back!

If you're in the mood for some funky local hip-hop, download the new mix by my boys Neighborhood. Manus and Peter put it down on this one. Shout out to ZJ for puttin this mix out. DOWNLOAD HERE

Pelski Tees? WTF

Ok this is weird. This was sent to you yesterday and it freaked me out. I thought that I had a fairly unique last name......apparently not. This comes all the way from England I believe.
check it.

Funniest Commerical to Date...

Whenever I see this commerical, I turn up the volume and laugh my ass off. McDonalds really nailed it with this TV spot. The best part is the fish's last line "You wouldn't be laughing at allllll.....". Classic.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Check out Banksy

Many people already know about Banksy. But for those who don't, take a minute and check out his ironic street art. I sometimes wonder how he gets away with tagging public buildings but nonetheless he does great work. check it.

The Verdict is OUT

In response to the video I posted awhile back about trying to decipher the age/gender/etc of an "it" in a youtube vid. Leave it to our society to make him a star....My god...you can be famous for anything....read about it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

THIRD SHIRT - Fresh Tee Tuesday Poll -

Hey Yall, in preparation for the Third Shift Summer Line, we want to throw a decision to the people. Check out one of the upcoming tees and provide your input on colorways. Use the Poll at the top left of the blog to cast your vote.

Battle for Burlington

Anybody want to battle? After killing it in Bolton Valley this pass weekend, the Battle continues to Jay Peak in 2 weeks for the college throwdown. The Battle for Burlington is a ski/snowboard comp for high school and college students in Vermont. Plenty of free schwag and really cheap lift tickets. If you have a chance - make the drive to Jay or the Stowe battle in a month. Below is a sweet vid by my boy Bryan on this years battle.

Fresh Tee Tuesday 3/17

Another addition to Fresh Tee Tuesday is this chocolate skull tee from Ibrahim Dilek. Mostly likely done with a 3D editor of some sort, but caught my eye nonetheless. Clever Idea. Available from threadless.

Monday, March 16, 2009


A new recurring fun-time postation rotation on Thoughtpuke - METAL MONDAY. I'll post some random FBA (Fuckin Bad Ass) Live Metal video every monday. This one's for the ladies:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Third Shift featured on IAMTHETREND.COM

Third Shift Clothing's latest hit on the internets takes us to iamthetrend.com, your guide for all things independent. Its a great site to find out whats really out there, past the malls and "corpo" (thanks to Rob Dyrdek for that one). The site focus' on clothing, music, art, and wares. Lookin' for something new? Definetly check these guys out.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 3/10/09 - PanamaGoo

This week's installment is the Chicken N Fries tee brought to you by PanamaGoo. This is one of those where you say; "Man, I wish I came up with that tee." The Chinese Food menu full print across the whole tee. Cool thing with this tee is, when you order it the tee comes in a take out container with a fortune cookie. I love when companies step it up to give you a whole package. That's PanamaGoo's M.O. They did a tee with the 80's rap group the Fat Boys on it that came in a pizza box. Classic.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This will blow your mind...

Well at least it blew my mind. I heard about this through Mr. Chris Carter and at first I thought it was fake/a hoax etc. Then I got home, tried it and it def. works. The energy company, GE, really did their homework and developed something that pushes the internet's capabilities. If you have access to a printer and a webcam, I strongly suggest giving this a whirl. Try it here. I feel I have a fairly good handle of the internet world and what it's capable of doing, but this opens a whole new world of virtual reality....augmented reality.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Put you family on the auction block

Leave it to someone to put your whole family up for sponsorship on Ebay. Place your bid now to have the Guerra family represent your brand and company. Have them wear t-shirts, have a sign in their yard, you name it. Current bid - 10 G's. Really?
Ebay listing here

Fun Facts

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Third Shift featured on Shirts on Sale blog

The madness is out. Third Shift Clothing was featured on the blog of Shirts on Sale. Peep the post here, and make sure to check for daily tee deals at their site shirtsonsale.info

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 3/3/09 - Tuck It In

So I came across this tee on a German t-shirt review blog. I don't know who made it, where to get, or even what the review said. Either way this shirt (hopefully not a Photoshop'd pic) is pretty fucking funny. Just the tip and see how it feels.


I know it's Fresh Tee Tuesday - but I gotta show an example of a big no no in the t-shirt game. Let me show you exhibit A: Hooligan Designs in Brownsville Texas. Came across these guys on Myspace. I'm diggin the tattoo art, very in right now a la Ed Hardy and ever other copy cat trying to make a quick bill. But its your name guys, Hooligan Designs - its taken - more ways then one at that.
I'm all about new independent clothing companies - trust me I know. BUT DUDES DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH. I know its a fun idea when you're all drunk drawing half ass shit on napkins - but really how long does it take to Google the name you want to use? If you Google "Hooligan Designs" you're 6th on the list kid. - STEP YOUR GAME UP -

For the real Hooligan Designs click here, there can only be one.

Monday, March 2, 2009


In tradition with the real March Madness, Third Shift Clothing has come out with their annual March Madness Sale. This year's bracket buster sale has everything at 15 bucks. Just in time for the big tourney and a fresh tee for you to wear while you watch nothing but college basketball. As always, you can catch Third Shift at their site - www.thirdshiftclothing.com