Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I know it's Fresh Tee Tuesday - but I gotta show an example of a big no no in the t-shirt game. Let me show you exhibit A: Hooligan Designs in Brownsville Texas. Came across these guys on Myspace. I'm diggin the tattoo art, very in right now a la Ed Hardy and ever other copy cat trying to make a quick bill. But its your name guys, Hooligan Designs - its taken - more ways then one at that.
I'm all about new independent clothing companies - trust me I know. BUT DUDES DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH. I know its a fun idea when you're all drunk drawing half ass shit on napkins - but really how long does it take to Google the name you want to use? If you Google "Hooligan Designs" you're 6th on the list kid. - STEP YOUR GAME UP -

For the real Hooligan Designs click here, there can only be one.

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