Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 5/26/09 - [ 2one5 ]

You could wear a tee that said "Fuck Eli Manning" or this pick up from Philly strong arm [2one5]. Philly stand up

Mad Pop-a-Shot skills

Hoop Fever baby

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fuck It Fridays

Gas on the rise again! Fuck it - lets all get on the ride share program!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chin up

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 5/12/09 - Steez

Keep the yocal theme goin' - we got the Post New York tee by the b-town staple Steez. If you don't know about Steez, then you probably walk around with your eyes closed. Check them out at 104 Church St. (Upstairs). You know my Steez

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 5/12/09 - A Boy Named Sue

Yea, Now we're talking.....A Boy Named Sue is finally here....check it out here. Man, hooligan designs is FUCKING KILLING IT LATELY.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is sick.

Not really my thing, but these dudes are awesome. Its kinda long, but its real cool at the end.

Woody Wednesday NUMBER 4

I'll throw this into the mix. Apparently she is a pro tennis player, who knew?

Woody Wednesday NUMBER 3

I have a weak spot for blondes...


Woody Wednesday NUMBER 2

Yes, Ma'am

Woody Wednesday NUMBER 1

Good Lord this girl is taking her vitamins

Oh, This is good.

Definitely True.

Most people won't understand this, but it's so true.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Your Business card is CRAP!

Ovechkin vs. Crosby - The NHL's Kobe/Lebron

For those of you who didn't watch the Pens/Caps game last night - you're a fool and missed a battle. Alex Ovechkin and Sid "the Kid" Crosby both went for hat tricks with the Capitals taking the game 4-3.
You can beat off watching the Bruins all you want - Carter. But the real series is this one and everybody knows it. Even if you don't like the stick and puck game, you still need to tune in and check out the war that is Crosby/Ovechkin.
The winner of this series will represent the East in the Stanley Cup - you heard it here first.

Fresh Tee Tuesday - 5/5 - Liberty

Proud owner of this tee coming from Akomplice Clothing Co. Thought it was a clever spin on the Statue. Check out the rest of their shit.

Monday, May 4, 2009

IFSTNTGTFA of the Week

"Irritating Fucking Song That Needs To Go The FUCK Away".. every monday, from here on out, concurrent with Metal Monday. I think it's a good contrast.

Death by Firing Squad in Laos

Now I know this may sound a little heartless but death by firing squad is fucking badass. If I ever get the death penalty in my lifetime, I feel a FIRING SQUAD is the best way to go out. It's amazing to me that countries around the world still have this form of the death penalty. Definitely the cheapest.....US get on BOARD! (In Texas, a death penalty case costs taxpayers an average of $2.3 million, about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years.) Check out this story of pregnant British woman who most likely will be convicted of drug trafficking and receive death by firing squad.


Now i know its not a live song, but this song is FBA. Thank you Finland.

Friday, May 1, 2009


WANGS! Enough said.


Get Fucked Fridays

Well after much debate....I'll put a spin on "Fuck It Fridays" and add a little sin...."Get Fucked Fridays" This bitch gets fucked raw!


Fuck it Fridays

Or this..

Fuck It Fridays

Well...you also could have this job jay....

Fuck It Fridays

Well...I guess it could be worse...you could have this job

FUCK IT FRIDAY'S - Cubicle Jockey