Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ovechkin vs. Crosby - The NHL's Kobe/Lebron

For those of you who didn't watch the Pens/Caps game last night - you're a fool and missed a battle. Alex Ovechkin and Sid "the Kid" Crosby both went for hat tricks with the Capitals taking the game 4-3.
You can beat off watching the Bruins all you want - Carter. But the real series is this one and everybody knows it. Even if you don't like the stick and puck game, you still need to tune in and check out the war that is Crosby/Ovechkin.
The winner of this series will represent the East in the Stanley Cup - you heard it here first.


  1. I'm not worried about Pittsburgh, the team that should be way the hell better than it acutally is.. but Washington will be tough to beat.

  2. Psh. This is just straight up bullshit. The only reason why anyone gives a shit about Kobe and Lebron is because of jersey sales. Its not about stars in the NHL, its about teams. Look at the Bruins, a way better team than the Pens and they don't have a Sidney Crosby caliber player. This is not THE REAL SERIES. Its just a good one. The real series in the NHL playoffs is always the Stanley Cup Finals (except for the late 90's with the Avs-Wings western conf. games). The "Real Series" is going to be Bruins - Canucks.

  3. Comparing the NHL to the NBA.. big no-no. Don't do that.

  4. Gulman - That's why the NHL is 6th major sport in the U.S. There's a reason you can watch an NBA game on 3-5 different channels any night of the week. If you don't get Versus or live in Canada - the masses don't see a game til your Stanley Cup Finals. It's because of the stars, not the team. Sports have changed and the NHL needs to get a clue.

  5. I'd rather keep it at 6th than have to hear about NHL superstars, and the celebrity bullshit that comes along with sports like the NBA.

  6. You have got to be kidding me. 3 to 5 games a night? You're dreaming dude. The NHL does have a clue, they run a league extremely well. I used to love the NBA, I grew up in New York City watching the Knicks every night but its not the same anymore. The team competition is gone. Its all about giving the ball to your best player. Thanks to Allen Iverson and hot shot assholes like him, the NBA is now just a show off competition. Its about who's racking up more PPG and who's cleaning up the boards. The NHL is a team sport, if the stars don't play well together, they lose (Ottawa). I stopped caring about the NBA when it became about ballers and not players. Thats a bunch of stupid street bullshit that needs to stay in the playgrounds where I grew up. Hockey is a man's sport and about 50000 times more entertaining than watching Kobe dominate and Lebron dominate their entire respective conferences. I'd rather watch a heated hockey game with fights and great team play than watch some dumbass NBA game where you know exactly who is getting the ball all of the time. Watch a game from the Rockets - Knicks NBA Finals in the early 90's. That was basketball. Watch a game from now. Its a joke. yeah last year's finals were great but a series like that only happened because of the Celts ability to play as a team. Who was the hero of the finals last year? Kobe? No. Leon Powe. The celebrity, hot shot, ball hog star mentality can, in the words of Phil Anselmo, "lick my sack."

  7. Boom - alright lets keep it above the belt. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge hockey fan. I would just like to see the NHL get back to the popularity it had before the lock out.
    The celebrity following is all done by the media mostly ESPN. Every time Shaq takes a shit then tweets about it, ESPN comes in with "Breaking News" on Sportscenter.

  8. hahah above the belt, says the guy that said i beat off to the bruins - which is only PARTLY true
